2025 Jazz Fine art series promo
2024 Black Friday Weekend
FSVAA Team visits before Studio Tours Art Festival. Fairfield’s Olive Oil Heaven !IL FIORELLO OLIVE OIL COMPANY
Fairfield Arts Gallery Identity
2024 The Crush Studio Tours Art on the Bay Festival Advertisement
2024 The Crush Studio Tours Social Advertisement
2024 The Crush Studio Tours Event Map
50th Class Reunion VIP Lanyard
2024 Congratulations to McKinley Tech Class of 1974
2024 Studio Marketing card
2024 Up Coming Gallery and Festivals Cards for FSVAA Gallery Marketing Group
2023 Black Friday Arts and Crafts Fair
2023 60th Nor Clal Juried Art Show Second place finalist Mixed Mediums works on paper Wynton Marsalis (BLOW)
2023 The Crush Art Festival
2023 High School Art Show
2022 The Crush Art and Wine Festival Fairfield Ca.
JAZZ Head Studios is a collection of artworks inspired by and about the feelings and intensities from Jazz music. This collection all mixed mediums or original works on paper. This is a listing of available originals and prints.
If there are any questions or gallery inquiries, please contact the artist. studiob.bradford@gmail.com 678-612-8284
All of our reproductions (GICLEE output and Image Capture) are from The following vendors:
IMAGE FLOW, 328 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, CA 94960 415-388-3569
HANSON DIGITAL, 2565 3rd St, # 239, San Francisco, CA, United States, California
(415) 558-9113
2022 https://poly.rpi.edu/features/2022/10/dr-knowles/
2023 2024 Artist Narrative.pdf
Show article The Vacaville Reporter
2024 Chet Baker Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
2024 Ron Carter Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
2024 David Sanborn Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
2024 John Coltrane Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
2024 Samara Joy Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
2024 Avashai Cohen Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
2024 Antonio Sanchez Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
2023 Stanley Clarke Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
Roy Hargrove Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (Available only in prints)
New Wynton MarsalisComposition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Peter Cudek Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Chris Botti Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
Al Jarreau Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
Joshua Redman (2) Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, graphite 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
David McMurray Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils 25” x 38” works on paper ( framed)
Pat Metheny Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils 25” x 38” works on paper ( framed)
Delfaeyo Marsalis Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils 25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Cassandra Wilson Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils 25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Roy Hargrove Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils 25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
Thelonious Monk Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils 25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Wayne Shorter Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils 25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Eric Dolphy Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Terrence Blanchard Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (unframed)
Grant Green Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Bob Berg Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (unframed)
Wynton Marsalis Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (original is available only in printsl
Wallace Roney Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
Charles Mingus Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Herbie Hancock Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Billie Holiday Composition Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils25” x 38” works on paper (ramed)
Ron Carter Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Scott Ambush Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
Joe Henderson Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Andra Day Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Miles Davis Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Mr. Jones Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Craig Shaw Composition /Wings
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 38” works on paper (framed)
Chet Baker Composition
Pencils, Graphite
25” x 38” works on paper (un framed)
Esperanza Spaulding Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 39” works on paper (un-framed)
Joe Grandsden Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
19” x 39” works on paper (un framed)
Adam Ben Ezra Composition
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
201/2” x 34” works on paper (un framed)
Chet Baker Compositions 2
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 37” works on paper (Framed)
Early Thelonious Monk
Mixed mediums, watercolor, chalks, pastels, and pencils
25” x 37” works on paper (Framed)
For pricing of these originals please contact
Studiob3 Creative. Carl Bradford 678-612-8284 email: studiob.bradford@gmail.com or FM
Joe Henderson (framed)
25 x 38
2000.00 plus shipping
Tony Williams (framed)
25 x 38
2000.00 plus shipping
Roy Hargrove (framed)
25 x 38
2200.00 plus shipping
Bennie Maupin (framed)
25 x 38
2500.00 plus shipping
Cassandra Williams (un framed)
25 x 38
2000.00 plus shipping
Joe Gransden (un framed)
25 x 38
1500.00 plus shipping
Chet Baker (framed)
25 x 38
1200.00 plus shipping
Adam Ben Ezra (un framed)
25 x 38
800.00 plus shipping
Miles Davis (framed)
25 x 38
2200.00 plus shipping
Coltrane B/W Print (framed)
20 x 30
400.00 plus shipping
Branford Marsalis print (framed)
20 x 30
600.00 plus shipping
Social Media Marketing
Jazz Art digital advertising
Social media ads
Food and Beverage Design is near to the heart of any designer who loves great food and beverage pairings. Its even closer if your significant other is a master chef that pairs great foods and beverages with every course. So creating great brand or creative experiences for this industry is very special to me.
FSVAA Team 2024 Visit to Fairfield’s Olive Oil Heaven!IL FIORELLO OLIVE OIL COMPANY
New Food and Beverage Brand Identity & Web site concept
IMI Agency is still a consultant client of mine..
Food styling and web Development for Jaimes Sweets and Savories
Our case studies are primarily to address the formalities and usage areas for my specific clients needs. How the logotypes or identities are developed, what they mean and how they are used for the various mediums they are currently using. Please click on the following links to review my current roster of case studies and portfolios.
Create Art
JAZZ Head Studios
Guild the Lilly
Allen Floors
CKL IT Services
CORE Children of Restaurant Employees
OB/GYN & Midwife Associates
HOMEBOX Household Services
STAKE Enterprise IT Services
My Friends Place Cafe
The District Studios
SDMS 360 Strategic Diversity Management Solutions
Signage is the design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message to a specific group, usually for the purpose of marketing or a kind of advocacy. A signage also means signs collectively or being considered as a group. The term signage is documented to have been popularized in 1975 to 1980.
Internal and External Signage solutions:
-Mister Migs LLC/Wow inSync Tucker, Ga.
-Food & Beverage Event Signage NAPA, California
-Interior Glass and Floating Lexan Applications, NUMARK Assoc. Washington, DC.
-Interior and Exterior Signage The Weather Channel
-Interior Neon back-lit Design CNN Turner Design -Exterior Advertising Signage OB/GYN Associates
Shooters Michael Underwood Tantrum Pictures, Darrall Johnson CBS, Ken Kaminesky.
Production and Set Scenic Design Elements
-CNN Turner Broadcasting
-The Weather Channel
-The Weather Channel Set product design (monitor stand)
-CBS/Studiob3 Creative
-On Location Production/Audio
-Client Production build out
-Pilot show/shooting production frames
Rounds of brand evaluations with concepts for a retail marketing site. Re-brand of whole company followed with a totally different branding strategy for entire company. And consulted with client to keep strategy moving forward with web developer.
Continued Branding revamps for Migs LLC
New brand developments continue for Mistermigs LLC across the company for all creative internal and external initiatives.
Experiential Design Consulting and Executions Retail Showroom Designs for Migs LLC
Showroom signage, distressed, shutter and wall treatments and memory wall with showcased advertisements.
Experiential Design for Wow In-Sync
Revamped working and training areas for Wow's client and employee's. New designs for working, control and job training areas. Images Courtesy mistermigs, Photographer Jamie Noble
New Product Beauty products Sunshine Sweetie
Jazz Apparel and Lifestyle Products
Jazz Apparel, lifestyle and home products
Wall Decor, framed art, acrylic prints, phone covers, tech items and throw pillows,
Buy them here : http://www.redbubble.com/people/studiob3
Sweat Shirts
Phone Covers
Throw Pillows
Acrylic Wall Art